Sunday, April 7, 2019


Sakit yang aku pernah lewati
seakan kembali lagi

Aku benci bila perasaan mula
mengalah dengan nasib
Aku benci bila perasaan mula dihimpit dengan masa lalu
Aku benci bila perkara yang aku alami
seakan dejavu yang menjengah

Aku mengalah lagi
Angkat kaki lagi untuk entah kali keberapa

Sejenak aku teriakkan suara dalam hati
Penat hampa penuh lumut lamunan panjang
Mimpi tak jadi
Pupus menjadi kosong hati


Buang saja harapan
Tak perlu berangan
Biar saja awan berarak terbang


Tak perlu ingin
ingin hanya buat pilu hati
Biar saja biar

Semua sudah jadi takdir
Entah takdir apa yang akan mengalir
ikut saja jalan takdir


What her parents didn't know was that
Their princess cried every night at midnigth
Every night

Her friends didn't know that she was
Unhappy even with that big beautiful
fake smile

Public didn't know that she
Starves herself that she doesn't
Care about her health

The school didn't know
That she has scars
Under her sleeves
And blades in her pocket

What she did know
Was that the pain
Would go away
With just one


I look at the mirror and stared,
Thinking about how would this be another day in hell,
They say, the world is a better place where we could live,
how they lie sweetly, smiling as they bare their teeth.

All my life, i have suffered their hurtful hands.

Sometimes i wonder, "Do i even really matter?" because i seem so insignificant.

Would they even notice, if i am suddenly gone?

or would they just say "yeah, i know her," then move on.

Death is safer, death is sweet.

I pray to God, as my life slowly slips away,
May this never happen to anyone ever again.